Eco Blanket
A 1″ to 2″ layer of compost and tackifier. The Eco Blanket is rated one of the highest methods available for stopping erosion in its tracks. Eco Blanket replaces the natural layer of humus that already protects our undisturbed soils. The Eco Blanket has increased structural integrity along with the ability to aid in the degradation of hydrocarbons that are found on many construction sites. Eco Blanket is easily installed in a one step, low impact pneumatic process that can conform to about any terrain.
Eco Berm
Eco Berm eliminates the need for plastic silt fencing. No matter what the terrain, the Eco Berm can be installed with minimal effort as compared to silt fence or other methods requiring ditching and reinforcement. This tested and proven product* has revolutionized sediment control by providing an option that is not only earth friendly but proven highly effective.
Vegetative Retaining Walls
Vegetated retaining walls are a green alternative to block and concrete retaining walls. Offering higher aesthetic appeal and a natural look, Filtrexx® Vegetated Walls are a mechanically stabilized earth (MSE) system that is reinforced with vegetation and geogrid support. These systems are ideal for real estate and public parks and can restore native wildlife habitat to hardscapes and developed areas.
In the past, challenges in establishing vegetation have led to minimal use of greenwall systems. Vegetated retaining walls rely on GrowingMedia™ to provide a fertile growing medium that encourages vegetation establishment and successfully assists in anchoring roots of the vegetation to the wall and the site substrate. Further, the vegetated fascia drastically reduces or eliminates the build up of hydrostatic pressure behind the wall face, where failures often happen in hard wall systems.
Note: Ground Control is a licensed contractor but all planting is done by a licensed Landscape professional.