Blue-hued rock for driveways and pathways. Derived from Blueridge stone from the Gold Hill area. An engineered fill that is compactible to 95% or better. Use where good compaction and drainage are required.
A sharp draining, clean, compactible base for lifts under pavers, driveways or concrete pads. Also used to back-fill retaining walls where sharp drainage is desired. No rock dust so will not clog filter cloth.
1/4”-minus grade, fine granite gravels. Used to shade utility lines, to surface pathways and road surfaces, and to add drainage and minerals to soil blends. Can be sprayed with a binder to form a stable, decorative surface.
Basic garden and construction sand. Derived from river sands. Washed to serve horticultural purposes. Excellent for minor lifts under pavers, or to pad a playground or fill a sandbox.
Pumice is a byproduct of volcanic eruptions. This material forms when frothy lava cools and hardens, producing a lightweight type of stone filled with tiny air bubbles. Pumice acts as an effective soil amendment for soils that naturally tend to be heavy and poorly drained.